
Montage/penultimate shot

This was the montage shot and sal wanted a montage of real life footage of key events and issues in todays modern society, for example, riots, deforestation etc, to be integrated somehow into the animation. I tried many things, first of all, blending various bits of sourced footage into the background behind the explosion. But then decided to carry them on into another shot. The result was this sidescrolling shot where the montage is being played in the background and I had the idea to use those environments I had rendered out from vue all that time ago as landscapes scrolling by.

The Particle layer for this shot was really just an afterthought. I felt that the shot lacked point lacked something - a focus or point of interest as to why the camera was moving in the way that it was. Therefore I decideded to animate the particle layer to follow the camera and represent the 'hope' of the Galuppis, which would lead nicely into the final shot of my section and indeed the film..

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